Science Communication

I have a strong interest in science communication (SciComm), and think it is very important for the future of the scientific profession and society for the following reasons:
Science communication is crucial for a scientist to convey the significance and implications of their research to a broader audience, including policymakers, funding agencies, and the public.
Engaging in science communication also promotes transparency and builds trust between scientists and society, enhancing the credibility of scientific research and its findings.
By communicating science effectively, scientists can also inspire future generations of scientists and promote scientific literacy, which is essential for making informed decisions and solving global challenges.

My Main SciComm Platforms

My two main venues for science communication are on my YouTube channel called Octopodium and on TikTok. I haven't updated the YouTube channel in a few years, but hope to return to active YouTube posting someday. TikTok seems to work better for my ADHD brain at the moment.

Other Random SciComm Things...

Here are some more random presentations I have give over the years.
This is one is a talk I gave to the Sound Water Stewards, a group of trained conservation volunteers doing good work around Whidbey Island, in 2022. In this I present on the discovery and study of Muusoctopus leioderma in Burrows Bay, Washington.

Kirt Onthank, lecture about cephalopods and the muusoctopus of Burrows Bay. from Sound Water Stewards on Vimeo.

This is a presentation I did for Skype a Scientist Live I did in 2019.
This is a presentation I gave to Central Washignton University in 2016 on my PhD dissertation work discovering how Humboldt squid are getting to the Pacific Northwest using stable isotope analysis of their eye lenses.