CMSIS-RTOS2  Version 2.1.2
Real-Time Operating System: API and RTX Reference Implementation
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RTX5 macros. More...


#define osRtxThreadCbSize   sizeof(osRtxThread_t)
 Thread Control Block size. More...
#define osRtxTimerCbSize   sizeof(osRtxTimer_t)
 Timer Control Block size. More...
#define osRtxEventFlagsCbSize   sizeof(osRtxEventFlags_t)
 Event Flags Control Block size. More...
#define osRtxMutexCbSize   sizeof(osRtxMutex_t)
 Mutex Control Block size. More...
#define osRtxSemaphoreCbSize   sizeof(osRtxSemaphore_t)
 Semaphore Control Block size. More...
#define osRtxMemoryPoolCbSize   sizeof(osRtxMemoryPool_t)
 Memory Pool Control Block size. More...
#define osRtxMessageQueueCbSize   sizeof(osRtxMessageQueue_t)
 Message Queue Control Block size. More...
#define osRtxMemoryPoolMemSize(block_count, block_size)   (4*(block_count)*(((block_size)+3)/4))
 Memory Pool Memory size. More...
#define osRtxMessageQueueMemSize(msg_count, msg_size)   (4*(msg_count)*(3+(((msg_size)+3)/4)))
 Message Queue Memory size. More...


Macro Definition Documentation

#define osRtxThreadCbSize   sizeof(osRtxThread_t)

This macro exposes the minimum amount of memory needed for an RTX5 Thread Control Block, see osThreadAttr_t::cb_mem and osThreadAttr_t::cb_size.


// Used-defined memory for thread control block
static uint32_t thread_cb[osRtxThreadCbSize/4U];
#define osRtxTimerCbSize   sizeof(osRtxTimer_t)

This macro exposes the minimum amount of memory needed for an RTX5 Timer Control Block, see osTimerAttr_t::cb_mem and osTimerAttr_t::cb_size.


// Used-defined memory for timer control block
static uint32_t timer_cb[osRtxTimerCbSize/4U];
#define osRtxEventFlagsCbSize   sizeof(osRtxEventFlags_t)

This macro exposes the minimum amount of memory needed for an RTX5 Event Flags Control Block, see osEventFlagsAttr_t::cb_mem and osEventFlagsAttr_t::cb_size.


// Used-defined memory for event flags control block
static uint32_t evflags_cb[osRtxEventFlagsCbSize/4U];
#define osRtxMutexCbSize   sizeof(osRtxMutex_t)

This macro exposes the minimum amount of memory needed for an RTX5 Mutex Control Block, see osMutexAttr_t::cb_mem and osMutexAttr_t::cb_size.


// Used-defined memory for mutex control block
static uint32_t mutex_cb[osRtxMutexCbSize/4U];
#define osRtxSemaphoreCbSize   sizeof(osRtxSemaphore_t)

This macro exposes the minimum amount of memory needed for an RTX5 Semaphore Control Block, see osSemaphoreAttr_t::cb_mem and osSemaphoreAttr_t::cb_size.


// Used-defined memory for semaphore control block
static uint32_t sema_cb[osRtxSemaphoreCbSize/4U];
#define osRtxMemoryPoolCbSize   sizeof(osRtxMemoryPool_t)

This macro exposes the minimum amount of memory needed for an RTX5 Memory Pool Control Block, see osMemoryPoolAttr_t::cb_mem and osMemoryPoolAttr_t::cb_size.


// Used-defined memory for memory pool control block
static uint32_t timer_cb[osRtxMemoryPoolCbSize/4U];
#define osRtxMessageQueueCbSize   sizeof(osRtxMessageQueue_t)

This macro exposes the minimum amount of memory needed for an RTX5 Message Queue Control Block, see osMessageQueueAttr_t::cb_mem and osMessageQueueAttr_t::cb_size.


// Used-defined memory for message queue control block
static uint32_t msgqueue_cb[osRtxMessageQueueCbSize/4U];
#define osRtxMemoryPoolMemSize (   block_count,
)    (4*(block_count)*(((block_size)+3)/4))

Memory size in bytes for Memory Pool storage.

This macro exposes the minimum amount of memory needed for an RTX5 Memory Pool Memory, see osMemoryPoolAttr_t::mp_mem and osMemoryPoolAttr_t::mp_size.


// Maximum number of objects
#define OBJ_COUNT 8U
// Object type
typedef struct {
uint32_t value1;
uint8_t value2;
} object_t;
// Used-defined memory for memory pool memory
static uint32_t mempool_cb[osRtxMemoryPoolMemSize(OBJ_COUNT, sizeof(object_t))/4U];
block_countmaximum number of memory blocks in memory pool.
block_sizememory block size in bytes.
#define osRtxMessageQueueMemSize (   msg_count,
)    (4*(msg_count)*(3+(((msg_size)+3)/4)))

Memory size in bytes for Message Queue storage.

This macro exposes the minimum amount of memory needed for an RTX5 Message Queue Memory, see osMessageQueueAttr_t::mq_mem and osMessageQueueAttr_t::mq_size.


// Maximum number of messages
#define MSG_COUNT 16U
// Message data type
typedef struct {
uint32_t value1;
uint8_t value2;
} msg_item_t;
// Used-defined memory for message queue
static uint32_t mq_mem[osRtxMessageQueueMemSize(MSG_COUNT, sizeof(msg_item_t))/4U];
msg_countmaximum number of messages in queue.
msg_sizemaximum message size in bytes.