CMSIS-Pack  Version 1.5.0
Delivery Mechanism for Software Packs
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/package/generators element

The element /package/generators/generator specifies a tool or utility that is used to generate and/or configure software (source code, header files, configuration files, etc.) in the context of a project. For this purpose, a generator package description file (GPDSC) needs to be created (see <gpdsc>). The GPDSC file details the selected device, components, project files and conditions, as well as information about the generator and how it can be launched again for iterative development cycles. A GPDSC file follows the same schema as a static PACK. However, the files generated by the utility are not installed and managed centrally in the PACK folder, but locally within the project folder.

A generator can be associated with a component by it's name. Selecting the component will automatically include the files provided by the generator in the project. If the specified GPDSC file is not present, the generator command is executed by the environment to generate the files and GPDSC. In this way project specific configurations can be made, files being generated and included and maintained as part of the project.

Example Generator Section

<generator id = "MyGen">
<gpdsc name ="$P/RTE/MyGen/myGen.gpdsc"/>
<command host = "win">MyGen.bat</command>
<command host = "linux">MyGen.script</command>
<argument host="linux" switch="--device=">#D</argument>
<argument host="win" switch="/device=">#D</argument>
<eclipse plugin="com.mygen.plugin" class="com.mygen.plugin.generator.launcher" method="launch" >
<web url="">
<argument switch="device">#D</argument>
<argument switch="gpdsc">$P/RTE/MyGen/myGen.gpdsc</argument>

Example Generator Package Description File (gpdsc)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<package xmlns:xs="" schemaVersion="1.0" xs:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PACK.xsd">
<description>STM32CubeMX generated pack description</description>
<release version="1.0.0">
- Generated: 08/11/2016 09:20:21
<generator id="STM32CubeMX" Gvendor="STMicroelectronics" Gtool="STM32CubeMX" Gversion="4.10.0">
<description>STM32CubeMX Environment</description>
<select Dname="STM32F746NGHx" Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13"/>
<command host = "win">$SMDK/CubeMX/STM32CubeMXLauncher.exe</command>
<command host = "linux">$SMDK/CubeMX/STM32CubeMXLauncher</command>
<file category="source" name="STCubeGenerated/Src/main.c" />
<file category="header" name="STCubeGenerated/Inc/stm32f7xx_it.h"/>
<file category="source" name="STCubeGenerated/Src/stm32f7xx_it.c"/>
<description Cclass="Device" Cgroup="STM32Cube Framework" generator="STM32CubeMX">STM32Cube Framework</description>
<condition id="STCubeMX">
<description>Condition to include CMSIS-Core (Cortex-M) and Device Startup components</description>
<require Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13" Dname="STM32F7*"/>
<require Cclass="CMSIS" Cgroup="Core" Csub=""/>
<require Cclass="Device" Cgroup="Startup"/>
<require Cclass="Device" Cgroup="STM32Cube HAL" Csub="Common"/>
<require Cclass="Device" Cgroup="STM32Cube HAL" Csub="GPIO"/>
<component generator="STM32CubeMX" Cvendor="Keil" Cclass="Device" Cgroup="STM32Cube Framework" Csub="STM32CubeMX" Cversion="1.0.0" condition="STCubeMX">
<description>Configuration via STM32CubeMX</description>
<file category="header" name="MX_Device.h"/>
<file category="header" name="STCubeGenerated/Inc/stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h"/>
<file category="source" name="STCubeGenerated/Src/stm32f7xx_hal_msp.c"/>



Grouping element for generators. Only one such group can exist in a PACK.

Parent Chain
package /package
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
generator Description of the generator and the related files GeneratorType 1..*

The following variables can be used in the elements <command>, <workingDir>, <argument>, <gpdsc>:

Variable Description
$P PATH to current project
#P PATH and name of the current project
$S PATH to PACK folder containing the Device description used by the current project
$D Name of the device configured in the current project



The generator section is used to provide the details about the tool that has been used to create the GPDSC file. At least one generator element must exist.

Parent Chain
generators /package/generators
Attributes Description Type Use
id Identifier of the generator tool. Can be used by other elements to determine the generator. xs:string required
Gvendor Vendor name of the generator tool. xs:string optional
Gtool Plain text name of the generator. xs:string optional
Gversion Version of the generator tool. xs:string optional
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
description Briefly describes the generator tool. xs:string 0..1
select Complex type specifying the configured device. A device is uniquely identified by vendor, name or variant and processor name in case of devices with multiple processors. GeneratorSelectType 0..1
workingDir Directory to be set as current directory before launching the <command>. This is either an absolute or relative path to PDSC or GPDSC file. If not specified, the current directory is the directory of the project configured by the environment. xs:string 0..1
command Deprecated; use exe, web and/or eclipse. Invocation command for the generator tool. xs:string 0..1
arguments Deprecated; use argument tags under exe, web and/or eclipse. GeneratorCommandArgumentsType 0..1
gpdsc Path and name of the GPDSC that the generator creates and updates. The path is either absolute or relative to the working directory. If no explicit gpdsc file is provided, then a gpdsc file named after the project with extension gpdsc in the working directory is assumed (<project>.gpdsc). xs:string 0..1
exe Section to specify a binary/executable to generate the GPDSC file. xs:string 0..1
eclipse Section to specify an Eclipse plug-in to generate the GPDSC file. xs:string 0..1
web Section to specify a web page to generate the GPDSC file. xs:string 0..1
project_files Grouping element for all project files generated by the tool. group 0..1
files Grouping element for generator tool files. group 0..1
extensions Generator vendor specific section ignored by other tools N/A 0..1



This element contains information about the vendor and device the GPDSC file has been generated for. Only one such element can exist in <generators>.


<generator id="STM32CubeMX" Gvendor="STMicroelectronics" Gtool="STM32CubeMX" Gversion="4.10.0">
<select Dname="STM32F746NGHx" Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13"/>


Parent Chain
generator /package/generators/generator
Attributes Description Type Use
Dvendor Vendor name of the targeted device. Use predefined values as listed in the table Device Vendor. DeviceVendorEnum required
Dname Name of the targeted device. If no Dvariant is specified this tag is required xs:string optional
Dvariant Name of the targeted device variant. If a variant is specified, the device name will be ignored and the variant rules. If no Dname is specified, this tag is required. xs:string optional
Pname Name of the targeted processor of a device with multiple processors. For devices with multiple processors this tag is required. xs:string optional



This element contains information about the generation binary/executable.


<command host = "win">MyGen.bat</command>
<command host = "linux">MyGen.script</command>
<argument host="linux" switch="--device=">#D</argument>
<argument host="win" switch="/device=">#D</argument>


Parent Chain
generator /package/generators/generator
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
command Invocation command for the generator tool. Command line options should be passed via <arguments>. GeneratorCommandType 1..4
argument Arguments passed along with the <command> of the format <argument switch="-data">myFileName</argument>. Path information for files can be specified absolute or relative to the location (path) of the GPDSC file. GeneratorCommandArgumentType 1..*



This element contains information about the Eclipse based generation tool.


<eclipse plugin="com.mygen.plugin" class="com.mygen.plugin.generator.launcher" method="launch" >


Parent Chain
generator /package/generators/generator
Attributes Description Type Use
plugin Name of the plugin. xs:string required
class Plugin's class name. xs:string required
method Method used to launch the plugin. xs:string required
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
argument Arguments passed to the plugin. GeneratorCommandArgumentType 1..*



This element contains information about the web generation application.


<web url="">
<argument switch="device">#D</argument>
<argument switch="gpdsc">$P/RTE/MyGen/myGen.gpdsc</argument>


Parent Chain
generator /package/generators/generator
Attributes Description Type Use
url Specifies the URL of the web service. URL required
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
argument Arguments passed along to the web service. GeneratorCommandArgumentType 0..*



This element describes a single command line for launching the generator. Arguments should be passed along with an argument.


<command host = "win">MyGen.bat</command>
<command host = "linux">MyGen.script</command>
<argument host="linux" switch="--device=">#D</argument>
<argument host="win" switch="/device=">#D</argument>


Parent Element Chain
exe /package/generators/generator/exe
Current Description Type
command generator command line xs:string
Attributes Description Type Use
host Specifies the host operating system. Possible values are all, win, linux, mac, other. Only available with element exe. xs:string optional



This element describes one or multiple arguments passed along with the parent element.


<generator id = "MyGen">
<gpdsc name ="$P/RTE/MyGen/myGen.gpdsc"/>
<command host = "win">MyGen.bat</command>
<command host = "linux">MyGen.script</command>
<argument host="linux" switch="--device=">#D</argument>
<argument host="win" switch="/device=">#D</argument>
<eclipse plugin="com.mygen.plugin" class="com.mygen.plugin.generator.launcher" method="launch" >
</eclipse >
<web url="">
<argument switch="device">#D</argument>
<argument switch="gpdsc">$P/RTE/MyGen/myGen.gpdsc</argument>


Parent Element Chain
exe, eclipse, web /package/generators/generator/exe, /package/generators/generator/eclipse, /package/generators/generator/web
Current Description Type
argument value of argument without command line switch xs:string
Attributes Description Type Use
host Specifies the host operating system. Possible values are all, win, linux, mac, other. Only available with element command. xs:string optional
switch Specifies the command line switch separated from the argument value. Not available with element eclipse. xs:string optional



The group project_files specifies all files that are required for the project setup. Only one such group can exist.


<generator id="STM32CubeMX" Gvendor="STMicroelectronics" Gtool="STM32CubeMX" Gversion="4.10.0">
<description>STM32CubeMX Environment</description>
<select Dname="STM32F746NGHx" Dvendor="STMicroelectronics:13"/>
<file category="source" name="STCubeGenerated/Src/main.c" />
<file category="header" name="STCubeGenerated/Inc/stm32f7xx_it.h"/>
<file category="source" name="STCubeGenerated/Src/stm32f7xx_it.c"/>


Parent Element Chain
generator /package/generators/generator
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
file Frame for files created by the generator and used in a project. group 0..1



The group files specifies files that are required by the generator tool. Only one such group can exist.


<generator id="MyGenerator">


Parent Element Chain
generator /package/generators/generator
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
file Frame for files used by the generator. group 0..1



This element contains information about files used by a generator.


<generator id="MyGenerator">
<file category="generator" name="Main.c"/>
<file category="you_name_it" name="database/connection.odbc" version="1.2.3"/>


Parent Element Chain
files /package/generators/generator/files
Attributes Description Type Use
condition Reference using the name of the respective condition specified in the conditions section of this package (/package/conditions). If the condition resolves to false, then the element will be ignored and treated as if not present. xs:string optional
category Describes the file type (for example: doc, header, library). You can use predefined values as listed in the table File Categories, however, this is not mandatory. xs:string required
name Can consist of the path (relative to the PACK base directory) and the file name with extension. xs:string required
version File-specific version information. The version format is described in Version Type. VersionType optional