Links to Interesting Free Engineering Documents



1.      Doctoral Dissertation The Stability of Elastic Equilibrium (1945) of Warner Tjardus Koiter English translation issued as NASA TT F 10-833 (1967) also referred to as AFFDL-TR-70-25, Wright- Patterson Air Force Base, 1970.

2.      Maurice A. Biot’s Book – Mechanics of Incremental Deformation (1965).

3.      Contrails Digital Library – Many older (historical) engineering documents related to aerospace and aeronautical.

4.      Free Continuum Mechanics Book and Vector & Tensor Analysis Book – by Prof. Bowen.

5.      Free Math Books – At Georgia Tech.

6.      Extensive List of Free Math Books – Free online.

7.      Astronautics Structures Manuals – Volumes 1, 2 and 3, by NASA, Marshal Space Flight Center

8.   Solid Mechanics Lecture Notes - University of Auckland

9.   List of free documents of interest to mechanicians (researchers studying mechanics)

10. 17th century maths - translations of historically famous mathematicians