Getting started with the XCircuit program at WWU

The XCircuit program is installed on the Linux server at WWU and thus can be used in the Linux, Electronics, and Digital labs.

To start XCircuit on a machine in one of these labs log in and open a terminal window. Saving files is most convenient if you navigate to make the folder (i.e. directory) you wish to place your files in the current directory for that terminal window.
Thus the sequence is:
1) Open terminal window and navigate to desired directory.
2) Type in xcircuit (all lower case). XCircuit should start.
3) After creating desired content click on files on the tool bar. In the drop down menu select Format Page Output.
--- Enter a file name in the first box and explicitly give it a file extension .eps and click Apply.
--- Check that the Mode is set to Embedded (EPS) which means encapsulated post script. If the mode shows Full Page the click on Full Page and change mode to Embedded (EPS).
--- Click Write File to write your work to the specified file.

Note that there are links on the class web page to tutorials on XCircuit.

The file format used by XCircuit is PostScript (PS). Raw PostScript files typically have an extension of .ps while encapsulated post script files have an extension of .eps Word processor programs like encapsulated post script files and may not import raw (.ps) files. Hence a recommendation to save your files in encapsulated (.eps) format.

Larry Aamodt PhD, PE
Professor of Engineering and Computer Science
Walla Walla University
via email: AamoLa(at)
via phone: x2058