CMSIS-Core (Cortex-A)  Version 1.1.1
CMSIS-Core support for Cortex-A processor-based devices
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Basic CMSIS Example

A typical example for using the CMSIS layer is provided below. The example is based on an unspecific Cortex-A9 Device.

#include <ARMCA9.h> // File name depends on device used
static const uint32_t TICK_RATE_HZ = 1000U;
uint32_t volatile msTicks; // Counter for millisecond Interval
static void SysTick_Handler( void )
msTicks++; // Increment Counter
// We use the Private Tiemer (PTIM) of the Cortex-A9 FVP Model here.
// In general the available Timers are highly vendor specific for Cortex-A processors.
void private_timer_init(void) {
PTIM_SetLoadValue ((SystemCoreClock/TICK_RATE_HZ) - 1U);
/* Install SysTick_Handler as the interrupt function for PTIM */
/* Determine number of implemented priority bits */
/* Set lowest priority -1 */
/* Enable IRQ */
IRQ_Enable ((IRQn_ID_t)PrivTimer_IRQn);
/* Delay execution for given amount of ticks */
void Delay(uint32_t ticks) {
uint32_t tgtTicks = msTicks + ticks; // target tick count to delay execution to
while (msTicks == tgtTicks) {
__WFE (); // Power-Down until next Event/Interrupt
/* main function */
int main(void)
/* Initialize device HAL here */
static uint8_t ledState = 0;
/* Infinite loop */
while (1)
/* Add application code here */
ledState = !ledState;